
Showing posts from February, 2020


LOVE ,LUST OR ORGASM ? It is one and the most controversial and contemporary subject. Taking a dive into it is itself  a labyrinth. As much as it is appreciated and highly  regarded by the 'comrades' , beneath ,lies untold pain, depression and agony. Abebe //via goggle photos. "What is love?" The mind swiftly darts to the Corinthians conceptual in the Bible . Forgiving,kind, patient, generous,pure. However in this context,love itself in Campus is toxic , compromising peace of mind, eating mental , spiritual and physical capabilities of many who pursue their courses in campus. Its' prisoning nature, contagious character and horrible effects upon its victims has filled the bravest with fear . Many students who have so ventured in this illicit relationship and have become victims of its' consequences which includes, depression, murder ,extravagance in expenditure to please "babes" rather partners, heartbreaks,social wounds ,low self-esteem,sc


CAMPUS SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP. The way campus students are careless on their sexual relationships shows clearly that we are rapidly nearing the final crisis in this world's history . Infatuation has taken the ground in the name of love. Satan has ensnared the souls . Campus students have failed to understand that our bodies are the temple of the Lord which should remain pure at all cost. 1st Corinthians 6:19 says "what ? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,which ye have of God ,and ye are not your own ? For ye are brought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's." The indulgence into sexual immorality;fornication,adultery, masterbation,and all other forms of sexual immorality,within campus we are to shun as God out of his love gives us guidance for our own good . We have been bought with this infinite price . All heaven given to us in Christ by his father.God has purchased the will ,th