The way campus students are careless on their sexual relationships shows clearly that we are rapidly nearing the final crisis in this world's history . Infatuation has taken the ground in the name of love. Satan has ensnared the souls .
Campus students have failed to understand that our bodies are the temple of the Lord which should remain pure at all cost. 1st Corinthians 6:19 says "what ? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,which ye have of God ,and ye are not your own ? For ye are brought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's."

The indulgence into sexual immorality;fornication,adultery, masterbation,and all other forms of sexual immorality,within campus we are to shun as God out of his love gives us guidance for our own good .

We have been bought with this infinite price . All heaven given to us in Christ by his father.God has purchased the will ,the affections the mind , the soul of every human being .Whether believers or unbelievers ,all men are Lord's property .All are called to do work for him ,and for the manner in which they have met this claim ,all will be required to render an account at the great judgement day.

The youth need to keep ever before them the course that Christ followed. At every step it was a course of overcoming. Christ did not come to the earth as a king, to rule the nations. He came as a humble man, to be tempted, and to overcome temptation, to follow on, as we must, to know the Lord. In the study of His life we shall learn how much God through Him will do for His children. And we shall learn that, however great our trials may be, seeing that it's impossible to cease  sin, they cannot exceed what Christ endured that we might know the way, the truth, and the life. By a life of conformity to His example, we are to show our appreciation of His sacrifice in our behalf. #Faith is the Victory.


  1. Replies
    1. This is the way to go's a nice article and am proud of you keep it up

  2. It be's my first article I need your comments on how to improve

    1. Nice start sister. I like the choice of the subject, a major challenge to most campus students.
      Blessings for sharing this thought.

    2. Thanks Sana brother Amen 😊🙏

  3. Replies
    1. This indeed is a true reflection of the matters on the ground Maureen ..may such articles reach the majority of the campus student for the blessing of their own souls

  4. In fact you are right. I know many people will ignore this but it is really touching. I support you.

  5. Indeed it's a nice. Keep it up to nourishment.

  6. A nice article, the best way is by preaching to them

  7. Oooh what a message in due time.... Powerful. If all my fellows would read this, if the world would read it how it be that many would not only be delivered from all that is the outcome of fornication but also the greatest epidemic-SIN. May God bless you and use you for His glory.

  8. A chilling reflection on the path the campus students have taken on this matter.A full throttle it is

  9. Quit inspiring a message. KJV 1 Corinthians 6
    18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

  10. How I wish it could rich all campus students, indeed a good massage maureen

  11. Mere truth 😩😩 wish all student could get this and change 🙏...nice publication

  12. Spread the gospel sister...good work

  13. Indeed infatuation is not love. Nice piece

  14. The article seems powerful but still campus students have an inverted view of relationships till they come across the reality later in life .

    1. May God guide us to do his will now not to face the reality in future🙏😊

  15. A powerful piece dear😊😊.....,

  16. Great our youth this messages should be lingering in our minds inorder to avoid temptations also we shouldn't go the devil (places of immorality) but instead let the tempter come to us and we shall win as Christ overcame the temptations of the devil

  17. Great our youth this messages should be lingering in our minds inorder to avoid temptations also we shouldn't go the devil (places of immorality) but instead let the tempter come to us and we shall win as Christ overcame the temptations of the devil

  18. Very true... thanks for such a great share

  19. Nice work ABEBE, keep on inspiring us and never get tied sister, even if you feel like...🙏🙏

  20. Good article,keep on keeping on,few spelling errors and I prefer you use a different Bible with simple English to quote ,otherwise a very nice article

  21. Heart felt Christian experience is needed more than never before

  22. This is amazing
    Keep giving us more of these

  23. Words of wisdom and how we pray that the Lord Almighty to deliver us from this satanic bondage

  24. Wow wow thanks for that, indeed we're nearing the end of ages and we truly need to stick to Jesus as our role model . Big up 💪 Maureen

  25. It is very true i think God has use you to enlighten us. Very good job.

  26. Good article... Sasa game ya God tunacheza pole pole

  27. I must say it's a good article putting in mind that it's the first, you did as great job..kudos. if u writing another one it should be of same quantity ...let it be of good and less quantity and quality.

  28. Its a nice article .am really proud of you .keep moving high

  29. Wow!great article.Beautifully written.This,sadly is the true reflection of campus life.May we keep praying for each other and for spiritual revival.Keep writing..

  30. A great article, a must read for every campus student

  31. What a nice reminder to all! Every duty of man is to be like Christ who even in His vulnerable human nature stood firm to no sin!
    A nice article.

  32. It's with alacrity that we look forward to a better world. Well, while that is coming, we have the evidences of closing events. One being this sad truth. Thank you for addressing that Maurine.

  33. A nice piece: addressing both the sin of sexual immorality & also giving a solution to it. The thought of the price Christ had to pay in order to save us cannot allow us to continue sinning.

  34. Wow it's a wonderful article. We are become ignorant for not taking care of ourselves having a belief that it's our body and no one should complain or fee agitated. Thanks ABEBE for the article it's wow

  35. Wow Maureen you got the best article I've read over the years...this sooo encouraging .. continue gal

  36. This is exactly what most of us don't want to hear and i'm glad you've talked about it.I hope it touches even just a single soul out there.Congrats

  37. Exemplary work, kindly focus more on how it influence degradation to human real life..then and the scientific touches also

  38. You made it...
    That's a true fact..

  39. Thank you for the enlightenment...some of us are in toxic love affairs na hatujui...

  40. Thanks Maureen for sharing, you are doing a great job. Continue shading more light to our fellow campus students

  41. It's indeed a good article. Keep it up and continue teaching the world with such kind of important information. Kudos to you

  42. Wisdom has spoken all the best stand up on your right


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