
Showing posts from April, 2020


"WE NEVER KNEW IT WAS KEN WALIBORA" "The CEO spoke during a virtual meeting with Senate Committee on Health chaired by Trans Nzoia Senator Michael Mbito. The committee had summoned KNH management to shed light on claims that Walibora lay waiting for help for 14 hours at the facility." The star. Will much be done  following the response given by the Kenyatta National Hospital when it came out that the late Ken Walibora was left unattended to for 14 hours in Kenyatta National Hospital, then those in charge in there hospital responded that " we never knew it was Ken Walibora " ???😭this went viral in social media. A lot of questions rise in the minds of the common 'mwananchi' . Do only those that can make it to news headlines deserve care and special treatment? Is there any need to have the Kenyan Constitution ? Do the Constitution protect its' citizens? Do we have a right to life , medical care 🤷? What's the role of the government


                      Goggle Photo//courtesy Your brain is your biggest liquid asset. It is composed of more than 85 percent water. Little wonder then that if you are dehydrated, your thinking ability drops dramatically, as does the performance of your whole body. ● Water is 2nd only to oxygen in survival. A body can live for minutes without oxygen, for a few days without water, and several weeks without food. ● The human body is 60% water, blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, and bone is 25% water. Water is one of the main structures of the body.                          Goggle Photo//courtesy ●Your brain is 1/50 of your total body weight, but it receives 20% of the blood circulation, so 1/5 of your body’s water requirements come from your brain. ●Water balances and regulates almost every other system in the body — temperature regulation, digestion, and waste excretion. You cannot eliminate toxins from your body with insufficient water. ●Most headaches and fe


The Kenya Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) so far is the biggest transport infrastructure project in Kenya's history.                     GOGGLE PHOTO //COURTESY                         The SGR phase running from Mombasa to Nairobi  seeks to provide inexpensive and efficient mobility of cargo and passengers hence a benefit to the country . The positive effects of the SGR project to the economy includes ; 1)Job creation. From individuals employed in the construction sector, to the 2,285 staff from diverse professional backgrounds working at the 33 stations and in the passenger and cargo rolling stock, the project has generated numerous job opportunities. Others include indirect job creation through entrepreneurship opportunities posed by the need for goods and services by SGR employees and passengers including catering, and entertainment among many others. Spending by these employees is set to create ‘income effects’ on the economy. 2.) Increased industrialisation Immens