Goggle Photo//courtesy

Your brain is your biggest liquid asset. It is composed of more than 85 percent water. Little wonder then that if you are dehydrated, your thinking ability drops dramatically, as does the performance of your whole body.

● Water is 2nd only to oxygen in survival. A body can live for minutes without oxygen, for a few days without water, and several weeks without food.

● The human body is 60% water, blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, and bone is 25% water. Water is one of the main structures of the body.
                         Goggle Photo//courtesy

●Your brain is 1/50 of your total body weight, but it receives 20% of the blood circulation, so 1/5 of your body’s water requirements come from your brain.

●Water balances and regulates almost every other system in the body — temperature regulation, digestion, and waste excretion. You cannot eliminate toxins from your body with insufficient water.

●Most headaches and feelings of fatigue are caused by dehydration.Thus by drinking a lot of water you'll get relieved.

●You lose about 10 cups of fluid each day in sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Even the air you exhale contains vital water vapor.

●If you wait until you are thirsty to drink, you are already dehydrated. Unlike hunger, thirst is a bad sign.

●Drinks that contain caffeine (colas and coffee) are diuretics, which means they lessen the body’s ability to absorb and retain water — they rob the body of water.

●It is the most time efficient way of improving your mood and overall performance. It takes seconds to drink a glass of water, but the benefits last for hours.

●Combined with a healthy lifestyle, drinking water increases weight loss.
Start now then give me feedback  😊 , experience first🤭.


  1. Exactly...the more water you take the more healthier your become..water is life

  2. Replies
    1. Waiting for you DM on experience bett thanks😂

  3. Good read , i will surely try it out

  4. You've taught me so much.

    Thank you

  5. Very true water is key to human survival..well done

  6. Indeed a nice piece, wonderful lessons learnt for sure...

  7. Thank you for the enlightenment

  8. Nice reminder ☺! You've encouraged me to drink water more.


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